Твоя работа тебе (не)подходит

Тебя тоже с детства учили, что самореализация возможна только через профессию? А специальность ты выбрал в 16? Или в 17? А ее выбрал ты? Или твоя семья? А работа доставляет тебе удовольствие? Или всепоглощающий культ успеха заглушает твой внутренний голос? Потрать 10 минут и пройди тест, который покажет твои склонности!

Для прохождения теста и определения того, подходит ли тебе твоя работа, просто отвечай на вопросы 'YES' или 'NO', а затем переходи к следующему вопросу по соответствующей стрелке. Когда, перейдя по стрелке, вместо вопроса ты увидишь символ, ищи его значение под тестом. Один из предложенных вариантов профессий, обязательно тебе подойдет, вот увидишь!

Good points: you're helpful, practical, caring, calm, patient, friendly, cheerful, and outgoing.

Bad points: you can be a bit self-satisfied and have a tendency to hide your true feelings.

The job for you: something that involves helping people like a flight attendant, nurse, teacher, driving instructor, midwife, health visitor, GP (General Practitioner), nanny, firefighter, or dentist.

Good points: you're clever, expressive, artistic, observant, and independent.

Bad points: you're secretive, a bit antisocial, and sometimes lost in your own world.

The job for you: something that involves reading and writing such as a lawyer, novelist, museum curator, language teacher, or librarian.

Good points: you're chatty, imaginative, lively, big-hearted, artistic, and loving.

Bad points: you're moody, nosy, fussy, and a bit touchy sometimes.

The job for you: something creative or artistic like a painter, poet, photographer, actor, singer, journalist, dancer, florist, architect, sculptor, hairdresser, beautician, or chef.

Good points: you're active, adventurous, eco-friendly ("green"), tidy, energetic, practical, and organised.

Bad points: you're a bit of a loner, bossy, stubborn, and can be a bad loser.

The job for you: something active, possibly involving animals, like a vet, postman, messenger, dog trainer, athlete, surveyor, police or military officer, zookeeper, or mechanic.

Good points: you're level-headed, sociable, reliable, helpful, a good communicator, and creative.

Bad points: you can be crafty, insensitive, and a little cold. You like to get your own way.

The job for you: something practical and creative at the same time, like a jewellery maker, interior designer, tourist guide, customs officer, caterer, sommelier, interpreter, or market researcher.

Good points: you're fast-thinking, logical, sensible, rational, cool-headed, ambitious, and keen to learn.

Bad points: you can be critical, calculating, slightly selfish, and a little ruthless.

The job for you: something analytical and fairly well paid like an IT specialist, politician, pilot, barrister, surgeon, advertising executive, stockbroker, or entrepreneur.

Do you agree with your result?