Проигрываешь в споре? - Придирайся к орфографии!
Итак, проверим, какой из тебя лингвист. Попробуй понять, что не так с этими надписями:
1. If you feel too excited, welcome to the
Source: imgur.com
2. Please be courteous and wear a costume before enterring before entering this establishment’s restrooms.
Source: twoeggz.com
3. Take contraception seriously.
Source: twitter.com
4. Modern problems require modern solutions
Source: pinterest.com
5. And no kidding
Source: youtube.com
6. Because he's fasting
Source: quora.com
7. Sounds as a nice show
Source: pinterest.com
8. Somewhere in Shitborough
Source: boredpanda.com
9. The same Shitty area, obviously
Source: fhm.nl
10. That's from Horrorland
Source: youtube.com
11. Don't forget to be original, orignal and orginal!
Source: reddit.com
12. Ape house welcome!
Source: youtube.com
13. Just never stop... eating
Source: feedzig.com
14. The very first spelling lesson's NOW
Source: liveabout.com
15. And keep your fingers crossed
Source: indiatoday.in
16. Almost there
Source: pinterest.com
17. Better do in a costume
Source: ninjajournalist.com
18. 18+
Source: boredpanda.com
19. Seems to be a cat exorcising zone
Source: twitter.com
20. And wash your hands in a costume!
Source: youtube.com
21. I prefer unconditional love from bananas
Source: thethings.com
22. Or try chuckling
Source: thejest.com
23. For cat parties, I think
Source: youtube.com
24. So, OKEY. Great!
Source: reddit.com
25. Adult food is rough
Source: youtube.com
26. Quiite a little something extra
Source: twitter.com
27. A rather kinky way to probe
Source: youtube.com
28. Fair point, well made
Source: youtube.com
29. Why are you still in doubts?
Source: reddit.com
30. You know better way to relax?
Source: youtube.com
31. Modesty adorns a human being
Source: pinterest.com
32. It's a secret!
Source: boredpanda.com
33. Don't even want to know how...
Source: memedroid.com
34. Girls can be different... watch out!
Source: fhm.nl
35. Will tickling suit?
Source: dailymail.co.uk
36. Finally! I've been waiting for ages!!!
Source: bbc.com